World Book Day at Dalleagles with Greta Yorke

World Book Day changes lives through a love of books and reading. Today children from all over the UK are encouraged to go buy a book for £1 with their world book day token and many dress up as their favourite character!

All our Houses for young carers in Ayrshire, Dolfor and Hampshire have a library for young carers to relax and transport to another world. Books are portable friends for lonely and isolated young carers who can be struggling with many responsibilites at home. Honeypot is proud to help young carers to connect with reading.

To celebrate World Book Day this year we invited the award winning Greta Yorke to do a live reading at our Scottih House. A group of 12 young carers on Respite break picked Greta’s most popular book Tartan Witch as the chosen book! Honeypot’s magical library was the perfect setting!

Greta’s writing journey began at 42 after her Daughter left for University. Her award winning stories have won many competitions and even been transmitted on BBC Radio Scotland.

After the reading the young carers took the mic and asked her why she started writing.

How did you start writing?

I’ve been writing stories since I was young, but I started writing professionally 10 years ago, Witch Hitch, about silly disorganised witches! This led on to Tartan Witch! You’re never too young to start writing your own books!

Greta, what is your favourite book and why?

That’s a difficult question, it’s like asking you to pick your favourite child. Tartan Witch is the most interesting and popular.

If you could tell your audience anything what would it be?

All the books I write have an important message and meaning. Tartan Witch is all about teaching Scot’s language. The Pirate story conveys that you need to eat proper food and exercise to be healthy. My latest book Ickle Prickle teaches younger children about hiberantion. In the dark conveys the importance of speaking if something is bothering you.

Why is it important for children to read?

Fantasy stories and reading for information are really important. When you read fiction you can escape into another world and let your imagination run wild. Every child should get to experience reading, here at Honeypot the children are very lucky to have all these books, plus all the amazing libraries offering unlimited stories for free in the UK. Books are an amazing escape for young carers responsibilities, if you go to your local library and tell them what you like to read they will point you in the right direction.

There are many books that feature young carers, here is a list.

Thank You for helping Honeypot to connect young carers to the magical world of books Greta!

If you would like further information on how you can support young carers through a regular donation or a fundraiser, get in touch now on

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