For Children
Honeypot children are at the core of everything we do. Whatever service you are enrolled with, whether it’s a respite break, a learning break, an online drama class, or a trip to the sea, we want you to have a good time and make friends with peers who share a similar experience. We know that many of you don’t often get a chance to switch off and stop worrying about what’s going on at home. That’s why we’re here, with us you’re allowed to forget about your everyday responsibilities and just focus on yourself, trying new things and spending time with other children.
Other organisations that help
Normally if something is worrying you or you’re not sure what to do, the best thing to do is talk to an adult you know and trust. But there can be times when you don’t know who to talk to, or you feel you need to speak to someone outside your day to day life.
If you ever find yourself feeling this way, Childline can help. You can phone them (for free) on 0800 11 11, or get help on their website by clicking the button below.
Carers Trust
Carers Trust is a major charity that helps and supports carers. They give carers a voice and highlight their work to the general public. They also campaign and work with politicians and policy holders to create real change for unpaid carers throughout the UK. They work with both adult carers and young carers. Their website has lots of information about how young carers or young adult carers can get support, links to other organisations and how to find young carers services near you.
Young Minds
Young Minds provides young people with tools to look after their mental health. Their website is full of advice and information on what to do if you're struggling with how you feel. From guides on mental health conditions to advice on coping with life's challenges such as exams, their website is written for young people on all the issues you may face in your life.
Samaritans is a charity that providing emotional support to anyone in distress or struggling to cope. They offer a safe place for you to talk any time you like, via a phone service, email or even by writing a letter. By calling 116 123, you can get through to a trained volunteer who can listen to your concerns and worries. This is a listening service and does not offer advice.
Depending on the area you live in, Kooth is available children aged 11+. They offer Free, safe and anonymous support no matter what challenge you are dealing with. Experienced counsellors are available via drop-in or pre-arranged online chat sessions every day of the year. Kooth offers immediate and effective support. There are no referrals or waiting lists to access Kooth. Some of the things Kooth regularly support children with are: worry and anxiety, relationship Issues (Family, friends etc), sadness, self worth and school issues.
Staying Safe Online
It’s REALLY important to us that you stay safe while you’re using the internet. Have a look at the poster below for some top tips on staying safe – everything it says is important and we want you to read it carefully please. Most of all, please remember these two golden rules:
NEVER (NEVER!) share personal information like your last name or your address online.
ALWAYS (ALWAYS!) talk to your parent, carer or another adult you trust if you feel even a little bit worried, unhappy or confused about something online.
You can also find out more about how to stay safe online on the Think You Know website.