Schools & Groups

All across the country, community groups, clubs and schools are doing fantastic work to raise money for and awareness of many charitable causes. We’re always honoured when a group or club choses to work with Honeypot.

We have experience of working with schools and groups right across the community and are able to support you in your chosen event or fundraising activity, with fundraising materials, help and advice.

If you would like to arrange a talk from one of our fundraisers – or even our mascot Bumble – or if you are interested in fundraising for us, please call our Fundraising Office on 0207 602 2631 or get in touch at We would be delighted to hear from you. You can also find a series of downloadable materials below for you to print off!

It’s fantastic when Bumble and I visit school assemblies to see the students and staff get really fired up to help young carers. They realise that every penny really does count and will make a difference to the lives of children, the same age as them, who are looking after someone they love.
— Viv Carter, Community Fundraising Officer