Young Carers Action Day - Give me a break!
The theme for Young Carers Action Day this year was ‘Give me a break!’ – a theme which clearly fits with our mission and is especially close to our hearts. Here at Honeypot we are keen to ensure that young carers remain high on the agenda of key opinion formers and especially on Young Carers Action Day.
To raise awareness of the day, and in keeping with the theme, our Honeypot Dalleagles team in Scotland teamed up with South Ayrshire Young Carers to take a group of young carers for a fantastic day out. They started with a tour of Scottish Parliament in Edinburgh. There they met with Deputy First Minister Kate Forbes and had the opportunity to sit down and talk to her about what it means to be a young carers. Having the opportunity to share their stories and a platform to raise some of the issues they face is so important for young carers.
“We got to ask questions of Kate Forbes so we will hopefully see some changes in the future for young carers. We’ve all had a great day out. Thanks to Claire at the HSCP (Health and Social Care Partnership) and Bruce at Honeypot for making this happen.”
The children then rounded up their day out with a visit to the Dynamic Earth science museum. Here they got to have an interactive exploration of our planet which they all really enjoyed.
“We have had a fantastic day in Edinburgh at Young Carers Action Day, Kate Forbes was very helpful and listened to all of our questions, we also got to go to Dynamic Earth which is somewhere I haven’t been before.”
It was an amazing day out and definitely a break they won’t forget. Thank to everyone involved for making it happen.