Miss Hampshire Junior Teen, Michaela Wyatt, will be supporting Honeypot!

We are extremely proud to announce that we will be receiving support from Michaela Wyatt, finalist in the International Junior Miss UK, which will take place in Wiltshire on February the 19th and 20th.

Michaela is a pupil at Romsey school and through this partnership, she hopes to get stuck into as many fundraising events and initiatives as possible, with all proceeds contributing towards our Wrap-Round service in Hampshire in the New Forest.

I chose to support The Honeypot Children’s Charity because they support young carers who don’t have a childhood because they are too busy looking after someone. This can affect their mental health and I think children’s mental health needs to be addressed more and supported. These children are our future and we want them to grow up to be confident and supportive. Honeypot gives young carers the chance to have fun for a change.” 
— Michaela Wyatt, Miss Hampshire Junior Teen

Michaela’s grandmother, Lynne Wyatt, said that “Michaela wants to be a model and entering the national and international pageants is one way of being seen and noticed in that industry. Of course if you win then you are usually offered a modelling contract which is great.” What better way to kickstart her future than to enter into the International Junior Miss UK?! Her drive and enthusiasm towards not only supporting young carers across the UK but also pursuing her dream at such a young age, is such an inspiration for all, and we hope that Michaela’s story will encourage other young women to chase their aspirations and goals too.

Viv Carter, our Community Engagement Manager in Hampshire, is regularly in touch with Michaela and has already planned a range of activities she’ll be involved with: “We are delighted that Michaela has chosen to support Honeypot and wish her well in International Junior Miss UK. She is going to help us this year by raising awareness about the important role young carers play within their families and how they value the respite that Honeypot provides for them, giving them the opportunity to take a break and simply have fun being children.”

If you are looking for an opportunity to fundraise, and are considering Honeypot as your chosen charity, drop us an email on fundraising@honeypot.org.uk and one of our team will be in touch.

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