The First Christmas at Honeypot Dalleagles

It’s been a wonderful year for Honeypot, with the addition of our third house in Ayrshire. This Chirstmas is extra special as it is the first time we have welcomed Scottish young carers for a Christmas break!

Many young carers will be caring for loved ones over the festive period, these breaks allow them to be children and have time to themselves away from their responsibilites. Our Christmas breaks are jam-packed with many Christmas activities, look at what we got up to!

Shortbread and gingerbread making

One of the most enjoyed activities on our Respite Breaks is always baking, the gingerbread didn’t last long once baked!

Christmas party games - Musical statues

The biggest smiles came out when we put on the Christmas music and started having a boogie!

arts and crafts and games

Arts and crafts is another favourite on Respite Breaks! We made some fabulous Santa hats, Christmas decorations and played many games from Ice Hockey to Uno!

a visit from Santa Claus

Someone showed up unannounced, a surprise visit from Santa himself. He’d been sent on a very special mission by Honeypot supporters Maven.

Look at all the fantastic gifts donated, thank you Maven, the smiles say it all.

Mission accomplished Santa!

Everyone at Honeypot wishes you a Happy Christmas, we could not make these happy memories come true without your support!

We look forward to another year making happy memories and building brighter futures for young carers in 2024.

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