Applying for a grant award from the Honeypot Wellbeing Fund

The Honeypot Wellbeing Fund forms part of The Honeypot Children’s Charity Wrap Around service for young carers and vulnerable children aged 5-12. An application for a grant of up to £250 may be made on behalf of a child by their family or by an appropriate professional working with the child and their family.

Before completing this form please carefully consider whether the application you are seeking to make meets our objectives and eligibility criteria for this fund. If you are unsure, please contact us at and we will be happy to discuss.

Following receipt, an application for a grant award will be presented to the next scheduled Wellbeing Fund Administration Board which meets on a monthly basis. The person who submitted the grant application form - ‘the Applicant’ - will be notified of the Board’s decision within 7 days of that meeting.

Before submitting a grant application please ensure you have read and understood the Wellbeing Fund Terms & Conditions. Submitting a grant application does not guarantee access to funds, please take care to manage expectations accordingly.

Fields marked with an * are mandatory.

To apply for a grant award, please complete the form below