Respite Breaks
Respite Breaks form the core of our work. Delivered across three sites, breaks consist of a three-day, two-night stay. The breaks offer the children some much needed, protected time to play, enable them to make new friends and explore their surroundings and free them of their usual caring commitments.
We run our breaks throughout the school holidays and every weekend of the year. Honeypot children are invited back each year until they are 13 years old.
100% of children surveyed,
say Honeypot’s support is amazing
78% of children surveyed felt a lot less stressed after a break
What a typical Respite Break looks like
The magical break here at Honeypot not only begins when they arrive at the Honeypot house, but the moment the children step onto our minibus. This valuable time is sometimes taken for granted; this is the first time the children meet each other and Honeypot staff, usually with The Greatest Showman or The Lion King playing on the telly in the background. The chaperone ensures each child is happy and comfortable for the journey ahead and is always there for extra reassurance if needed. From this point on the special friendships and memories grow right in front of our eyes, as they begin their Honeypot journey….