We've won the Scottish Children's Lottery!

Residential Respite Breaks have been at the heart of Honeypot's services for more than 25 years. We are thrilled to be awarded £10,000 from the Scottish Children's Lottery to fund the very first two Respite Breaks for young carers in Scotland at our new respite facility Honeypot Dalleagles, in East Ayrshire.

The funding will allow 24 young carers from Scotland aged 5 -12 years old to take a break from demanding and stressful responsibilities at home and provide a safe, nurturing environment where each child is treated as an individual, their personal needs are catered for, and they are encouraged to develop their full potential. 

It has been a long-term goal of the charity to offer breaks to fatigued and anxious young carers in Scotland to allow time to play, socialise with peers with shared experience, and interact with supportive, encouraging adults!
— Simmi Woodwal, CEO, The Honeypot Children's Charity

The Scottish Children’s Lottery Team came to visit the house on our open day, look at the amazing reel they captured!

Scottish Children’s Lottery Honeypot Dalleagles Visit

This funding marks a significant step towards brighter futures for young carers in Scotland. The grant will specifically contribute to empowering these remarkable children, who selflessly juggle responsibilities beyond their years. We are committed to making a positive difference in the lives of children across Scotland, and are excited to see the impact, shaping a brighter, more hopeful tomorrow for these deserving young individuals.
— Scott Millar, Head of Operations, The Scottish Children's Lottery

Our first Scottish Respite Break takes place this weekend, we can’t wait to share the amazing impact this funding has had on the lives of these young carers.

We are very grateful to the Scottish Children's Lottery for providing the opportunity to build a brighter future for young carers in Scotland and to make happy childhood memories that they will cherish for a lifetime.

If you would like to support Scottish Young Carers in receiving the support they crucially need please get in touch here.

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