UK has 'at least 40,000 young carers aged eight or under' shocking report claims
UK has “at least 40,000 young carers aged eight or under” shocking report claims – Mirror Online
Young carers: the facts
A carer is anyone who cares, unpaid, for someone who cannot cope without their support due to illness, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction.
The 2011 census identified 10,000 carers aged five to seven, up 83% on the previous decade. The true figure is likely to be more than 40,000 as studies have shown only one in four is ever officially identified.
New laws brought in last year under the Children and Families Act and Care Act placed responsibility on authorities to actively identify young carers and support them. However, while care budgets have been cut, campaigners claim the situation is getting worse, not better.
Of the estimated 700,000 carers aged 5-17 in the UK, 10% do 20–49 hours a week at home and 8.8% more than 50 hours.
Home help has been withdrawn from 500,000 adults to help save £1bn in social care spending in the last decade, pushing more children into caring roles.
A survey in Salford, Greater Manchester, found 75% of young carers experienced depression or stress in the previous year.
Three in ten care for an adult with mental health or substance misuse issues.
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