Honeypot's Emergency Action Plan

Young carers need our help more than ever. Facing the prospect of looking after potentially vulnerable family members all by themselves, they’ve got a lot to worry about. The Queen has asked us all to play our part in “protecting the most vulnerable within our society, finding new ways of staying in touch with each other and making sure that loved ones are safe.” With your help, we’ll be putting into place an Emergency Action Plan to make sure young carers are safe, have what they need to cope, and are given something to look forward to. We can’t let coronavirus stop us supporting young carers when they need us most. But in the face of cancelled events and fundraisers, we need your support to make it happen. Honeypot’s Emergency Action Plan will:

  • Raise the funds now to pay for an intensive schedule of respite breaks for over 1,000 young carers, as soon as the crisis is over.. We know that having something to look forward to is a vital tool in coping with negative emotions. By raising the funds now, Honeypot will be able to let young carers know that they will be receiving a respite break in the near future.

  • Work in partnership with other children’s agencies to create a safety net that will allow children’s support services to identify young carers who are in crisis and need immediate intervention.

  • Post out colouring books, birthday and post cards, puzzles, games and arts & crafts supplies to combat anxiety and loneliness.

  • Create virtual activities and signpost young carers to other useful online resources.

The next few months will be challenging for all of us, but we can get through it together. You can let young carers know they’re not in this alone: donate now to our emergency action plan, and give young carers hope for a happy childhood.

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