Big Hike Team Walks 96 Miles For Honeypot


“Walking 96 miles in five days was more challenging mentally as well as physically , the days were long and there were times when fatigue kicked in but the spirits from the team helped me get past these negative thoughts and each day was a celebration,” says Scott Haddow, from the Big Hike team. “This was a tough challenge, but an amazing experience.”


From 22nd to 26th April, 20 friends and colleagues from Heathrow took on the West Highland Way in Scotland to support Honeypot's work with young carers and vulnerable children. The team walked 96 miles across the Scottish highlands in five days! "The Honeypot Charity is a well-known charity recognised for the service that they provide to young people, I was hooked!" Scott says, explaining why they chose to support Honeypot, “I have volunteered for a similar charity in the past and I have seen the great work the team deliver to enable the children to have a fulfilled life being supported by the Honeypot charity." Congratulations to the Big Hike team on this fantastic feat (and on their fantastic feet!), as well as raising over £3,900 to support young carers and vulnerable children! You can donate on their fundraising page here.