Meet Brodie, Lochlan & Carter


Brodie, 12 and twins Lochland & carter, 8, have joined numerous Honeypot Respite Breaks, benefited from the wellbeing fund and our new healthy eating and nutrition service.

The twins and sister help out with everything from housework, cleaning to cooking. Sister Quinn has mental impairment, mobility issues and struggles with most tasks, they are the crucial extra pair of hands for their parents.

“I don’t want to say they get a little bit jealous, but it must be hard as we always have to put Quinn first.
— Ann Derrigan (Mum)

Brodie and Quinn used to share a room, Brodie really struggled mentally. It difficult was for everything to be centered around Quinn, she struggled having less attention and time for her.

Ann, Brodies mum, stated “This is the amazing thing about Honeypot, it’s a place where everything is about them. We couldn’t afford to go on a break so it’s a lifeline for us. They come back so happy and rejuvenated. I can see they have grown in independence!

She believed the best thing about the respite breaks were the opportunity to meet others in a similar situation, they felt at home straight away. “I am so thankful to Honeypot for giving them a break from everything”. The opportunity to just be children and have fun with no responsibilites was so needed.

They really loved being able to go on the bikes together, we wouldn’t be able to afford 4 bikes, It was a proper holiday for them!
— Ann Derrigan

wellbeing fund

The family have benefited from a new washing machine, laptop and grocery vouchers through the wellbeing fund. 

“Thanks to Honeypot’s wellbeing fund we received a new washing machine. It has been life changing. Having 4 children can be hard, I used to have to put multiple loads in, now I can just do one! Our other machine was so old, I was having to do the washing outside even when Quinn’s room was being renovated, there was no room for all the machines in the house. It was horrendous in the winter, the children were shining a torch for me. Now I have one in the house, it’s changed my life! Plus, It’s more economical so we are saving money that way. We go through so much bedding and clothes, everything gets cleaned properly now.” Ann stated.

The family can’t afford a TV and asked for a laptop for Brodie as she is the older of the siblings, stating “She is so happy with it. Not only using it for homework but also for Netflix, she has her own space in her room watching something and it is brilliant, I can see how much she is benefiting from having something like this that’s hers.” 

The family have also benefited Honeypot’s new meal vouchers service, to help families with healthy eating and nutritional support in the school holidays. While on respite break, they learn all about how to cook healthy and easy meals. Vouchers are then sent to the family post break so they can continue to create these meals. 

The family have decided to keep the vouchers for the summer and use them for days out in the park having a picnic. Mum said “It will be amazing to go to the grocery store and let them pick what they want instead of having to think of how much everything will cost. Money doesn’t last on a weekly shop, at least this will mean another activity we can do together as a family, we can do that ¾ times now thanks to Honeypot, we wouldn’t be able to eat out logistically with Quinn or afford to so we can go out for the day and they can play, I’m really looking forward to it.” 

Ann beleived Honeypot could be summed up as “worry free” for both the parents and the children. When the children go on a Respite Break they she knows they will have the best time and come back happy. She said “The service you provide is amazing. They keep asking when they are going again, all the teddies, craft, colouring books etc they receive, it’s so special. They really feel like they have someone there to support them.” 

I 100% recommend Honeypot to other families, I wish they could go every other month on respite, but the birthday cards, memory making days in between really help
— Ann Derrigan

Worries for future

Ann said that she worried that having a member of the family that heavily relied on everybody else could impact the children in the future. Brodie has suffered socially and emotionally. It can be hard to understand Quinn, or form a relationship with her. Brodie detaches herself, as she is the oldest she may feel the most pressure, plus she is very empathetic, young carers grow up and mature a lot quicker than other children. Brodie’s school recently lost their ambassador due to public spending cuts. “I can imagine there are a lot more hidden young carers in her school, there’s no funding to help them.” 

If you would like to support more young carers like Brodie, Lochlan & Carter please look at the many ways you can donate.